Social Media
In case you missed it, a Wall Street billionaire donated $400 million to Harvard on Wednesday. That donation, by hedge fund manager John Paulson, was Harvard's largest gift of all time and added to Harvard's already mammoth $36.4 billion endowment. Never one to mince words, famed author Malcolm Gladwell pounced on the news on Twitter,…
Blackbaud recently announced enhancements to eTapestry, its cloud-based fundraising management solution, which now includes fully integrated social media capabilities. Social Media Finder helps users to further connect with donors over social media platforms, taking the guesswork out of targeting and engaging supporters, and freeing resources for other areas of mission advancement.
Social listening gives organizations unprecedented insight into their donors' lives and an opportunity for richer engagement through personalization. Far beyond surveys, focus groups or feedback forms, nonprofits have the ability to analyze, in real time, what their donors think, feel and care about—and can react with predetermined triggers or send personalized marketing messages.
There are lots and lots of very good, very worthy nonprofit organizations out there. But how many truly "great" charities are there? You know, nonprofits that run efficient programs, maximize fundraising and operate as a unified, holistic organization?
Everyone has an opinion on why people unfollow brands on Facebook, but everyone agrees it’s bad, bad, bad.
To get a handle on what’s in store for 2015, NonProfit PRO rounded up some of the nonprofit industry’s finest, who were kind enough to share their nonprofit trends for 2015. Here are five trends on peer-to-peer fundraising and crowdfunding.
What other people think is really important to us. If we see a group of people doing something, however weird that something might be, we want to do it too.
How does your website look to your "silver surfers"? Let's define this audience as your 66+ aged online audience. Now we know that these supporters are just as likely to donate to you online as your younger crowd. And I bet they're much more likely to read your "Leaving a Legacy" page about your wills and bequests program. But is your font big enough? And how does your legacy page look on a tablet, which we know from other studies trends much older than smartphones.
Ted Hart speaks with Clint O'Brien, chief operating officer of Engaging Networks, about social fundraising on his Nonprofit Coach radio show.
The bottom line is what employees post on social media can impact your nonprofit in many ways. Here are some things to consider in our new social media world.