Social Media

Hello, I Love You; Won't You Tell Me Your Name
July 22, 2011

There are many ways to justify having a social presence as a nonprofit (and not too many good reasons not to have one by now). But how do you measure its value to your nonprofit?

Nonprofits Adopt Google+ Social Network Early
July 7, 2011

Nonprofit techies aren't waiting for the full roll out of the newest social network to start figuring out ways to use Google+ to do great things.

Within 24 hours of Google's invitation-only "limited launch" last week, "social good oriented geeks had posted stuff on how to use it to make change," said Lucy Bernholz, a San Francisco-based blogger who writes about philanthropy.

Some early adopting social activists lucky enough to be invited to test-drive Google+ planned to use it to organize questions for President Obama's Twitter town hall Wednesday, she said.

5 Ways to Grow Your Nonprofit’s Facebook Fan Base
July 5, 2011

A Few Words of Caution: Small to medium-sized nonprofits should take Facebook case studies and best practices based on the success of large nationally and internationally well-known nonprofits (with huge e-mail lists and multiple communications and development staff) with a heavy dose of skepticism.

Foundations Say Increasing Digital Communications Is a High Priority, Survey Shows
June 14, 2011

Communications professionals at America’s grantmaking foundations are responding to the digital age, according to a new survey from the Communications Network. The survey of 155 foundation communicators shows U.S. foundations are making use of all forms of digital communications, especially social media, a top priority. The survey results suggest the growth of social media and other emerging digital technologies is changing the way foundations communicate with target audiences.