Today, due to emerging technologies, most nonprofit supporters are basically inundated with noise. So much noise, in fact, that all of us are becoming extremely selective in what we read and how we respond. (How can we not? We’re swimming in information day in and day out!)...
In the nonprofit sector, we wear a lot of hats. We all do it anyway because we care about the mission. We are a passionate bunch. But let’s face it, despite our passion, we all need to get a lot accomplished with a limited budget and limited time to do so. We also need to recognize that cross-team collaboration is vital to fulfilling the mission. Enter growth hacking for nonprofits...
Modern technology allows us to easily collect and analyze data, as well as gain valuable insights from it. This capability is now available to nonprofits of virtually any size and type and can be tremendously effective at helping them reach people, grow their organization and meet their other goals...
Fundraising challenges are part of the package for nonprofit marketers: Attrition, converting small donors into major gift donors, growing the donor base and not to mention factors beyond our control that affect giving trends...
You run a mid-sized nonprofit. Suddenly, a funding source comes through big-time with the technology grant you’ve been waiting for. Time to pop the champagne? Not so fast. Technology funding windfalls can cause disorder and disarray at nonprofit organizations...
The best nonprofit organizations develop and execute their marketing plan with the same level of rigor as any for-profit brand. At the end of the day, we are ultimately trying to sell our cause to people, get them to engage with us, donate to our work and then advocate for our organization...
The best nonprofit organizations develop and execute their marketing plan with the same level of rigor as any for-profit brand. At the end of the day, we are ultimately trying to sell our cause to people, get them to engage with us, donate to our work and then advocate for our organization. But this is […]
Social media can be a great tool to promote social change. Nonprofits are taking advantage of such tools to advance their mission. However, social media can pose some risks if not used properly. You should develop a policy that employees can use when making decisions about posting on social media...
Use of the Internet to fundraise was launched in the late 1990s, and through a process of trial and error, nonprofit organizations have slowly been able to build donor’s confidence in the technology and grow their online database for giving...
The right attribution for your organization opens a new world of more effective spending. The right attribution enables you to raise more money or give money back to the organization to spend on its important mission...