Staffing & Human Resources

Top 10 Things Smart Fundraisers Will Be Doing in 2017
January 10, 2017 at 11:31 am

I can’t believe 2017 is already here! Are you ready for it? Is your fundraising ready for it? How will you be increasing fundraising revenue and strengthening donor relationships this year? Learn what smart fundraisers will be doing—and download a free 2017 fundraising and marketing calendar!...

The Keys to Building a Sustainable Nonprofit
January 10, 2017 at 8:00 am

It’s one thing to come up with a great idea that may serve a need within the community. It’s quite another to build a sustainable nonprofit organization that will grow and thrive well into the future. Local standouts in the nonprofit sector say a sound strategy, a dedicated staff, a healthy infrastructure, educated board members…

MD Anderson Cancer Center to Cut 1,000 Jobs
January 9, 2017 at 8:00 am

MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston's second-largest employer, is eliminating about 1,000 jobs as the elite medical institution continues to wrestle with losses that exceeded $100 million last quarter. The center's leaders announced Thursday that 800 to 900 employees will be laid off and another 100 to 200 jobs will be reduced through retirement and attrition.…

What Does Resiliency Really Mean for Nonprofit Leaders and Their Organizations?
January 6, 2017 at 10:53 am

I declared that resilience was one of my themes for the new year. And, in writing a guest post about it over at the Packard Foundation’s Organizational Effective Blog, I shared the story of the boiling frog. If a frog is dropped into cold water in a sauce pan and brought to a boil slowly,…

How Social Service Nonprofits Are Getting Employees to Stick Around
January 3, 2017 at 10:45 am

Staffers at Lawrence Hall spend long days working with Chicago's most troubled young people. For their efforts, they're paid not much more than a supervisor at Home Depot. "It's about $14 an hour to do the most acute work in the United States," says Kara Teeple, CEO of Lawrence Hall, a social services agency with…

Stop, Look and Evaluate: 3 Things to Consider for 2017
December 30, 2016 at 9:24 am

It is hard to believe that 2017 is almost here. Where did the time go? Many of us had a fiscal year that started in July 2016, so we are at halftime in this fundraising year. Others are just beginning a new calendar year filled with hope and possibilities. Wherever you are in the fundraising calendar continuum, you should take a moment to stop, look and evaluate before you jump without a parachute into 2017...

This Fake Nonprofit Has Been Accused Of Spying on Real Human Rights Activists
December 22, 2016 at 2:00 pm

In mid-2015 Qatar was at the center of a scandal. Contentious reports suggested that 1,200 migrant workers died working on construction for the 2022 World Cup. The Qatar government refuted the claims, saying no lives had been lost in the construction of stadiums whatsoever. Whatever the real number, the waves of images and stories showing the abysmal…

You Need a Coach
December 19, 2016 at 8:00 am

If you have ever read about or asked a great player from any sport what inspired him or her, they always talk about a coach that was

The 5th Quarter: What to Do After Your Nonprofit Career
December 16, 2016 at 8:00 am

I made a presentation to a large church men’s club on a recent, chilly Saturday morning. I was invited as their breakfast speaker. As I was speaking, many individuals, now retired, were describing their retirement nonprofit volunteer adventures. It immediately occurred to me that we all have the opportunity to have a "fifth quarter" of service to nonprofits, and this tenure could last at least two decades or more...

Will Your Next Development Director Be Your First? Or Your 10th?
December 13, 2016 at 11:41 am

Small shop fundraising is a tough job, and its difficulty is often underestimated or ignored entirely. Is it really any wonder that the turnover rate is highest among small shop fundraisers? Far too often, an organization’s board and executive director are focused on the right here and right now. But a smart development director is focused on the long-term sustainability of the organization...