Strategic Planning

What Can Fundraisers Learn From the Taxi Industry?
September 15, 2017 at 12:36 pm

It’s no secret that the taxi industry has been disrupted by Uber and a growing range of other services. The taxi companies remained largely unchanged for decades, mistakenly assuming that the status quo met their customers’ needs. The same can be said for the movie rental business disrupted by Netflix. In both cases, customers’ expectations became more sophisticated over time, leaving the traditional business operators vulnerable...

How to Re-Engage Lapsed Donors in Your Organization
September 14, 2017 at 10:03 am

A lapsed donor is one who has lapsed from giving for at least a calendar year. They are the most significant donors to focus your efforts on re-engaging, because they have already demonstrated an interest in your organization...

Be Prepared for the Inevitable Storms
September 13, 2017 at 11:49 am

This week, I was without power for a while and carefully eyeing some tall pine trees that were swaying way too much for my comfort. Being without power and having meetings cancelled was a minor inconvenience, especially with the widespread loss of property and even life because of storms during this hurricane season...

5 Steps to Growth Hack Your Fundraising Efforts
September 12, 2017 at 3:56 pm

This week, I was without power for a while and carefully eyeing some tall pine trees that were swaying way too much for my comfort. Being without power and having meetings cancelled was a minor inconvenience, especially with the widespread loss of property and even life because of storms during this hurricane season. I must confess, […]

To Sell Themselves to Donors, Nonprofits Are Turning to the Pros
September 12, 2017 at 11:41 am

Not long ago, the website for the nonprofit Colon Cancer Alliance offered a treasure trove of information about colorectal screening, colon cancer research and other topics related to the deadly disease. What it did not do was provide a concise explanation of what the group’s aims were and, perhaps more crucially, why people should donate…

5 Best Practices for Converting Volunteers to Donors
September 12, 2017 at 11:38 am

It is not a secret that nonprofits need volunteers and donors to achieve their goals and carry out their mission. The question is, is your organization focusing on the volunteer base that you already have? Many nonprofits do not know that the line between their volunteers and donors is very thin.  The value of a…

How Nonprofits Can Work With Competitors For Better Results
September 11, 2017 at 9:43 am

As my company wrapped up its recent 30th anniversary celebration, I had a chance to reflect on how things evolve over time. My father put us on a path at the outset, and though our scope and goals have changed since then, our commitment to giving back and our deep ties to the nonprofit sector…

The Nonprofit Sector Must Move From Transaction to Collaboration
September 8, 2017 at 9:29 am

This summer, I spent three days at The Collaborative, an event that brings together the best and brightest from the nonprofit world (a video is at end of this story). Across all of the panels, I attended and the conversations I had, one theme stuck out: Too often it feels like funders and nonprofits are…

#NPPTrendingNow Ep. 16: 3 Tips for Effective Multi-Dimensional Segmentation
September 8, 2017 at 9:20 am

Welcome back to #NPPTrendingNow, a weekly video series where NonProfit PRO Editor-in-Chief Nhu Te breaks down the top three coveted stories of the week. Here's what we've got going on for you this week: Nonprofit HR's newly released report on nonprofit talent and culture practices; three tips for effective multi-dimensional segmentation; and Social Solutions' new report on what funders are looking for in nonprofit organizations...

Every Nonprofit Pro Needs a Dashboard
September 8, 2017 at 9:06 am

I was not into cars growing up, except for one beautiful late 1950’s Dodge that had the greatest speedometer ever. That speedometer showed green, yellow or red colors as perfect indicators of the speed of the car as it went faster. I have always remembered that color indicator tool that I use for dashboards today. Besides cars, should dashboards be used in business to denote performance?...