Running a true raffle though is legally quite complicated. Registrations for charitable gaming licenses are cumbersome, time consuming and potentially more costly than the money you could raise. Instead, we operate these types of promotions under sweepstakes laws. But what are the keys to success? How can you use sweepstakes to attract new members and engage your donor base? Here’s what we’ve discovered...
Facing the challenges of increasing and maintaining membership base year after year can be difficult. The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), Frederick, Md., touts sweepstakes as an invaluable tool for membership enrollment and engagement. Key to success is selecting a special prize, as well as the structure of the promotion. With more than 1.5 million entries generated last year, AOPA should know...
To get a handle on the key legal matters and more in regard to running nonprofit sweepstakes, I spoke with Marla Altberg, CEO of sweepstakes administration and management company Ventura Associates International.
This innovative challenge combines the popularity of music competitions and fan voting with donating and fundraising in a very interactive way. Plus, it encourages peer-to-peer sharing and fundraising as well, and clearly aligns with the mission to promote and support music education.
"Gamification" is one of those buzzwords that makes its way around the nonprofit and marketing worlds every so often. Maybe you've thought about it before. Maybe it sounds too complicated. Or, maybe you heard about it at a conference a couple years ago and dismissed it as a passing fad. Yet, gamification doesn't need to just be a buzzword, and it doesn't need to be something big and complicated. It should simply be a tool in your marketing arsenal to buoy constituent behavior through incentives.
What made the Ice Bucket Challenge so successful? There were a few key factors of the challenge that all fell together perfectly to give it zing, appeal, momentum and energy.
Fundraising consultant Pamela Grow, one of our Little Shop contributors, is launching a really neat-o holiday giveaway today. (Yeah, I said it … neat-o.)
In this archived episode of his Nonprofit Coach radio show, Ted Hart speaks with Steve Hafner, founder and CEO of HEP Development, about matching gifts.
Here are five tips for capitalizing on a matching-gift opportunity from FundRaising Success Editorial Advisory Board Member Roger Craver, founder of DonorTrends and editor of TheAgitator.net, and creative consultant and nonprofit copywriter Kimberly Seville.
Atlanta based nonprofit Jennifer Ann’s Group announces the “5th Annual Life. Love. Game Design Challenge” with a first place prize of $5,000 for the video game that best illustrates the dangers of dating violence for teens, tweens and young adults.
In 2008 Jennifer Ann’s Group announced the first challenge to promote awareness of teen dating violence through video games. Video game entries must increase awareness about teen dating violence but cannot include violence in the video game itself.