Tax, Legal & Compliance

The Internal Revenue Service's Advisory Committee on Tax Exempt and Government Entities has called for the agency to require nonprofits to file financial data electronically, the Chronicle of Philanthropy reports. According to the committee, a survey of 468 nonprofits found that less than 2 percent of organizations that file the financial form for tax-exempt organizations…
More than a dozen community groups filed a complaint with the Internal Revenue Service Monday alleging that the Walmart Foundation violated its tax-exempt status by using charitable funds to advance the retailer’s entrance into urban markets including Washington. The 22-page complaint, addressed to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, details the retailer’s marketing and lobbying activities as…
Development or fundraising policies may sound like the boring stuff we prefer to ignore, but they are actually a wonderful tool for fundraisers.
The Internal Revenue Service could issue as early as next month new draft regulations governing political activity by tax-exempt organizations, according to a notice issued on Thursday. But it remains unlikely that the new rules would be in place before the 2016 election.