
Marketing agency Achieve and the Case Foundation developed a study on millennials. They thoroughly analyzed this generation’s participation in and connection to causes and nonprofit organizations. Based on the findings from this fantastic report, I came up with eight ways that nonprofits can engage millennial donors and volunteers. 1. Keep your information updated. 2. Make everything mobile-friendly. 3. Use social media and make your content shareable. 4. Don't forget email. 5. Provide multiple donation options. 6. Be authentic. 7. Provide unique ways to get involved. 8. Treat millennials like your other donors and volunteers.
It may be hard to justify diverting money from programs to start an endowment. There is, however, another way to look at endowments: as part of good financial planning that ensures that an organization will be around in the future to carry out its mission. Here is a five-step plan that a smaller nonprofit can use to create an endowment — and put itself on solid financial footing.
Major individual gifts are the single largest source of philanthropy, by far. The most recent data from Giving USA shows 72 percent of gifts come from individuals’ annual gifts and an additional 7 percent from bequests. The process of individual donor development proceeds along a continuum — from awareness … to education … to involvement … to investment. People must first be made aware of the organization’s existence and its mission. Once this occurs, people who share values enacted by your organization can be identified, further educated and majorly involved.
The last time I did a donating experiment was after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. I often ran into difficulties just making a donation. One donation page did not load so I left. Another required a registration process before I could donate so I left, and one organization did not have a donation page dedicated to Japan relief specifically.
Fundraising experts continue to test donation pages and more best practices have emerged. Here are some things that have been found (through testing) to work particularly well.
For the month of April, I’m hosting the nonprofit blog carnival. A carnival is a mix of contributions from bloggers and readers on a shared theme, and I chose the theme “best advice.” I asked you the following question: What was the one, best piece of professional advice you ever got and why? How has it transformed your work? I also invited readers’ best single piece of advice for people who work at nonprofits. There was an incredible response. Here are your answers!
Check out recent posts from Social Media Today and the About.com Nonprofit Charitable Orgs blog.
Check out recent blog posts from About.com's Nonprofit Charitable Orgs and the Direct Mail Man.
Nancy Schwartz, president of Nancy Schwartz & Co., is hosting the first Nonprofit Blog Carnival of 2012, and she wants to know what fundraisers' dreams are for the nonprofit sector.
Pick any dream you have — for your cause, organization or the nonprofit sector — and write about it, and how you plan to make it real. Write a blog post or choose a recent post that fits the theme. E-mail your post to nonprofitcarnival@gmail.com, or use this submission form.
Submissions are due by the end of the day on Friday, Jan. 27.
Check out recent posts from Third Sector and About.com's Nonprofit Charitable Orgs blog.
Check out recent posts from Seth's Blog and the About.com Nonprofit Charitable Orgs blog.