More tweets from the DMA Nonprofit Federation's 2014 New York Nonprofit Conference (#NYNP2014).
You can — and should — build fabulous relationships with your donors. But somewhere out there, flying under your radar, is someone who has an aha moment and decides he or she wants to give — be it time, talent or treasure. And if your organization is out there as well, with flawless stewardship, consistent marketing and compelling PR, you might find yourself the recipient of that impromptu generosity. Keep that in mind, because the poster at Amergent was right when he or she prefaced this post by saying, “You NEVER know where a new donor could come from … ”
FundRaising Success speaks with Integrated Marketing Advisory Board Chairman Michael Johnston, founder and president of Hewitt and Johnston Consultants (hjc), and IMAB member Sara Spivey, chief marketing officer at Convio, about the role of the IMAB and the importance of integrated marketing and fundraising in today's landscape.
Twelve organizations recently joined forces to create the first-ever Integrated Marketing Advisory Board (IMAB) for the nonprofit sector. The participating organizations are: Amergent, Avalon Consulting Group, Barton Cotton, CDR Fundraising Group, Convio, Donordigital, Grizzard Communications, hjc, Merkle, Russ Reid, SCA Direct and Thompson Habib Denison.
The holiday season provides ample opportunity to proposition potential donors and renew supporters' contributions. According to Michael Nilsen, senior director of public affairs for the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), approximately half of all charities get between 30 percent and 60 percent of their contributions during the last quarter of the year. Roughly 20 percent of AFP member organizations noted that in December alone, they received 50 percent of their annual contributions noted Nilsen.
This week's insider news includes an agency's 30-year anniversary, a successful campaign to bring toys to needy kids at Christmas and new e-philanthropy fundraising resources in South Florida.
FundRaising Success recently did a quick, informal poll of a number of fundraising professionals from across the sector, and here are some of their "off-the-top-of-my-head" tips for ending the year with an uptick in giving.
Peabody, MA, September 30, 2009 — Amergent, a full-service agency in direct response fundraising services and database management solutions, is pleased to announce that the firm’s work received two gold awards in the fourth annual National Catholic Development Conference (NCDC) Lumen Awards.
There’s the economy and the impact it’s having on fundraising revenue, but that’s not why monthly giving (or sustainer) programs should be an essential part of any successful fundraising plan.
Let’s face it. As direct-response fundraisers, we don’t spend enough time trying to renew lapsed donors. Most of our effort goes into acquisition and current-donor programs — and for good reason.
Current-donor mailings generate the bulk of your income, so that’s always your first priority. And even though most acquisition mailings lose money in the first year, they do create future donors. (Note: If you’re making money or breaking even on your acquisition mailings, you’re doing a great job. You should request a raise from your boss immediately, and write to us here at FundRaising Success and tell us how you’re doing it.)