Dover Publications

DSU fundraising campaign starts with school's trustees
January 13, 2012

Delaware State University has launched the second major campaign to raise money in its history, and trustees will be among the first targets. Over the next year or two, Delaware State University will begin reaching out to potential donors to give large "leadership" gifts. A target amount, expected to exceed $10 million, will be established, and DSU will appeal to the public and its alumni for the fundraising push.

The money would support student scholarships, faculty resources and growing DSU's endowment fund.

Broadening the Reach
May 1, 2005

Not many Americans understand the cruel reach of Crohn’s disease. Perhaps because it’s a disease that, while afflicting millions of people of all ages, makes folks undeniably squeamish. It involves blood and guts and diarrhea. It inflames your digestive and gastrointestinal tract and eats away at your colon.

But Roger F. Koman, former for-profit marketing maven and current vice president of new enterprises and new business development for the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, wants to shatter those perceptions, raise awareness and funds, and afford patients, families and anyone who will listen a comfortable forum to speak freely about the disease.