Network for Good

Online Giving: It's Still About Relationships
February 1, 2011

People go online because they're seeking to connect with other people, with things they like and with causes they love. Technology enables them to forge stronger connections, and people therefore come to nonprofits with high expectations for the way we treat them online.

Online Donations Grew Fastโ€”Especially at Yearโ€™s End
January 6, 2011

Online donations rose sharply last year, say three big organizations that handle Internet gifts.

Convio says online donations to its 1,300 clients topped $1.3-billion, a more than 40-percent increase.

Giving to 5,000 charity clients of Blackbaud grew by more than 10 percent in December alone, though the company wouldnโ€™t give the precise increase. It's preparing a fuller report on 2010 results to release within the month.

And Network for Good says it processed 20 percent more in charitable donations last year than it did in 2009.

Social Networks Meant for Social Good, but at a Price
December 21, 2010

There's been an explosion of online intermediaries promising to help nonprofits raise money and awareness. Crowdrise, Jumo, Causecast, Causes on Facebook and others try to use social networking and crowdsourcing to build interest in charities and causes, and help them attract donations.

But for many nonprofits, the value remains to be seen. For one thing, they hand partial control over charity brand names and trademarks to users who are often unknown to the nonprofits they support. And virtually all of them ask users to pay to donate.

Donors Give More to a Charityโ€™s Own Web Site Than Via Big Giving Portals
December 13, 2010

Charities raise far more money from their own Web sitesโ€”or those that prominently bear their nameโ€”than they do from social networks like Facebook or from other sites that channel donations to many causes, according to a new study of donor behavior over the past seven years. The study was conducted by Network for Good, a Bethesda, Md., organization that will send donations to any charity in the United States.  Its siteโ€”and other online portalsโ€”received 66.7 percent less in donations than sites charities created to seek donations on their own.

Landmark study reveals online giving hat trick: donor experience, December and disaster
December 8, 2010

The Online Giving Study: A Call to Reinvent Donor Relationships, from Network for Good and TrueSense Marketing and sponsored by AOL, reveals important insights about digital philanthropy: People seem to give more when the online experience is intimate and emotionally coherent, and they also give online for reasons of convenience, especially at the end of the year and during large-scale disasters.

Nonprofits get the message on using texts to raise funds
November 29, 2010

Charitable donations are shifting from collection trays and kettles to laptops and cellphones as more nonprofits turn to online and mobile fundraising.

From Facebook to Colorado Gives Day, high-tech campaigns are sweeping the nonprofit world.

Leveraging technology from Denver-based mGive, the Salvation Army is testing a text-message fundraiser this holiday season to supplement its traditional Red Kettle Christmas campaign.

It ushers in a new phase of mobile giving, which might soon include higher single-donation limits, corporate sponsors and deeper engagement between nonprofits and donors via texts.