Salvation Army

Is There an App for Us?
July 1, 2014

Got an idea for an app that could connect a charity or nonprofit with its supporters and beneficiaries in an ongoing way, one that could become part of their daily or at least weekly lives?

Circle Up at the Engage Roundtables!
April 7, 2014

What I love about the roundtables is that they are almost completely attendee-driven. The moderators say a quick hi and share an overview of the topic, but then the discussion is steered by the questions posed by the guests at the table.

Best Nonprofit Annual Reports
April 7, 2014

It’s annual report season — and awards season! What better time to get inspired by nonprofits that are publishing exemplary online annual reports? These organizations show the powerful results you can get when you revamp your annual report process. Here are some noteworthy online annual reports in five categories:

11 Nonprofit Professionals Share Social-Media, Technology Advice
March 17, 2014

Thanks to a partnership with the Public Interest Registry, Heather Mansfield of Nonprofit Tech for Good was able to report live from the Nonprofit Technology Conference (#14NTC) last week in Washington, D.C. Empowered with a tablet and smartphone, one of Heather’s first priorities was to reveal the faces and expertise behind some our favorite nonprofit brands. The results are below and what you’ll hear are the responses to the question: “What is your number one piece of nonprofit technology advice for nonprofits?” You can view all videos at

4 Online Fundraising Pitfalls — and How to Avoid Them
March 6, 2014

Online fundraising is important — and growing more important every year — but nonprofits can't just open a spigot and watch online contributions pour in. Successful online fundraisers avoid the common mistakes that plague so many others. Here are four fundraising pitfalls we see too often and how can you can avoid them: 1. inconsistent messaging on donation pages. 2. making the donation process too complex, 3. skipping effective follow-up and 4. relying on intuition, not data.