TV Guide

Fundraising is an ever-challenging, ever-changing endeavor. To rise above the status quo requires more than relying on motivational clichés. So when you hear people in your organization talk about innovative thinking, encourage them to put a little less emphasis on the innovative and little more on the thinking.
Nicholas Karabots hadn't been to the Franklin Institute in decades when, several months ago, he accepted an invitation to stop in.
Karabots felt a deep connection; he himself was once an inner-city kid — "a bad kid," said the former South Bronx gang member — which informs his philanthropic decisions to this day. Relatively quickly, he and his wife, Athena, decided to give the Franklin Institute $10 million.

It is the largest gift in the institute's history, according to leaders.
Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) announced that in connection with the Sept. 10, 2010, simultaneous commercial-free telecast, more than $80 million has been pledged so far to accelerate groundbreaking research and bring new treatments to patients as quickly as possible. The telecast is available online at www.su2c.org/2010show. Donations can continue to be made online at www.su2c.org and at 1-888-90-STAND (78263).