This week’s solar eclipse was heavily anticipated and highly celebrated. About 16 percent of the U.S. was able to experience a total eclipse, including Nashville.
Here in Nashville, hotels were sold out as visitors came to view the eclipse, and there were plenty of viewing parties and events as everyone geared up for the magical experience.
A solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the earth and the sun. So, in a total eclipse, the moon and sun are aligned in totality, and you see a dark circle with a powerful, radiant glow or ring.
Those who viewed the total eclipse used phrases such as “primal experience,” “moved to tears,” “magical,” “amazing” and “awesome.”
This week, my great colleague David Snow and I presented a webinar on transforming annual giving. We discussed the impact of a donor’s vision and values intersecting with that of an organization. If there is a sliver—say a partial eclipse—there is promise.
However, with a total alignment, where the circle of an organization’s values is in perfect alignment with a donor’s values, that, as David shared, is where the magic occurs.
When you find total alignment, then you and your donor will be able to express their excitement with terms like “moved to tears,” “magical,” “amazing” and “awesome.”
A total alignment of your donor and your worthy organization’s values is something special indeed. Luckily, you don’t have to travel like millions of eclipse viewers did this week to have a great view.
You can work towards this magical event right where you are.
Be diligent to find donors who align with your vision, mission and values! Focus and let the amazement begin!

Looking for Jeff? You'll find him either on the lake, laughing with good friends, or helping nonprofits develop to their full potential.
Jeff believes that successful fundraising is built on a bedrock of relevant, consistent messaging; sound practices; the nurturing of relationships; and impeccable stewardship. And that organizations that adhere to those standards serve as beacons to others that aspire to them. The Bedrocks & Beacons blog will provide strategic information to help nonprofits be both.
Jeff has more than 25 years of nonprofit leadership experience and is a member of the NonProfit PRO Editorial Advisory Board.