Recently, I read "The Post-Pandemic Nonprofit: 12 Disruptive Trends Your Nonprofit Must Master" by Jeremy Reis. I like how Jeremy broke up the book by: who we are, how we operate, how we grow and where do we go from here?...
If you could do your work as a fundraiser from a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity, you would love your job. In our western, white male-dominated culture in North America, the view we grow up with is that there is not enough, and, therefore, we should get as much as we can for ourselves before someone else gets it...
Many individuals in the field that aspire for leadership positions are basically on their own when understanding how to effectively lead. There is no one-size-fits-all manual for leadership. Leadership is sprinkled throughout every organization, regardless of size or functionality. If you have not studied the concept of leadership, how do you know what it is like in a nonprofit setting?...
“Last year more than one million quarter-inch drills were sold – not because people wanted quarter-inch drills, but because they wanted quarter-inch holes.” This often-quoted concept by Theodore Levitt sums up exactly what your focus should be as a major gift officer (MGO). Donors want to solve problems. They do not want to hear all the wonderful things about your organization or process...
After all these years, I know I need to continue to improve my performance when in a face-to-face solicitation situation. I always want a prospect to say "yes." For all of us — including me — what can we do to enhance the probability that the answer we want will come out of a prospect's mouth?...
There’s so much that goes right with monthly giving, and the results are showing. But every now and then, I see some goofs. I’m sharing these mistakes because I hope you will not make them in your organization. Let’s look at four examples of how things can go wrong...
Do not be satisfied with just an annual gift, major gift or planned gift. Strive to seek multiple gifts from various assets of one donor. The compounding effect of the gift will provide enhanced financial results and a deeper and more meaningful relationship with your donors...
We live in an era when anyone can announce anything to everyone. You’d think that would be a good thing. In most cases, it’s not. Most of the time it’s a race for cheap attention. For nonprofits seeking the unearned notice of followers on social media, it’s quickly turned into a race to the bottom...
For the past few years, I have been wondering two things. First, is the use of my devices giving me bad posture? Second, are my devices hurting my ability to focus? The answer, of course, is yes to both. What to do about it? Being distracted is a behavior. It turns out, behavior is the result of a formula...
Today I wanted to start your week off with a little music. It’s been a very loooooong year, and as many of you are about to wrap up your fiscal year, you might need some encouragement to keep pushing. Let me share with you one of my all-time favorite songs with you: "Wake Up Everybody"...