Your organization’s ability to run successful peer-to-peer campaigns and events depends on the software platform you use to run them.
Sometimes, fundraisers ask me: “What’s the cost per sustainer?” Let me explain a few different types of cost.
For the last two years, I’ve been studying the impact of identity on prosocial behavior; it’s the topic of my doctoral dissertation.
It starts with the best of intentions. Your organization is focused on helping others — some in serious need.
Face-to-face/door-to-door fundraising, also known as canvassing, came to a screeching halt during COVID-19.
Below is a perfect example from our colleague Diana Frazier on how she advised a MGO to use a news story to support a major gift ask.
The importance of converting those one-time donors to give monthly in 2021 is crucial for your overall retention.
“The Surprising Gift of Doubt” is a book that’s not just about nonprofit leadership.
When we decide to give someone a gift, we usually try really hard to get a gift that is meaningful to the person we’re giving it to.
We wrote a blog, “‘I’m Speaking,’ Explained,” that described an experience I had that changed the way I interacted with others.