The more you know about marketing trends, the more you’ll see that the donor experience is crucial to raising brand awareness!
As you know, the biggest factor in driving donor retention is getting that second gift.
I’ve seen this happen several times in different ways. Donation platforms and donor base companies merge.
Always be mindful that donor recognition is about saying thank you while highlighting your organizational mission.
When you ask a nonprofit leader or executive what they need most, the response is almost always “more money.”
Offer as many opportunities as possible for donors to give, and especially offer many ways to give monthly.
There’s a lot that goes into pulling off great peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns and events.
Recently, I was on Facebook Live with a colleague, and we were discussing some tips for growing monthly gifts.
Several blogs ago, I explained why I object to using the word “prospect” when someone talks about a donor.
COVID-19 threw the nonprofit world into a state of uncertainty.