Peer-to-peer fundraising virtual events and campaigns have already been gaining interest and momentum over the years.
If you have at least one monthly donor, you have at least one donor who can tell you why they are giving monthly.
When I think of P’s beyond the traditional marketing concepts, I think of the process of asking for a gift.
As governments debate how to open their economies back up, questions remain on the pandemic’s impact on charitable giving.
Whenever I talk about monthly giving to a group, I often ask people how many of them are monthly donors themselves.
There are a lot of Millennials in our country. And they may eventually be a force to contend with.
Sami Sheehan, manager of donor engagement at Lollypop Farm, shares her journey to grow their program to 1,000 monthly donors.
“Walk” used to be a word that helped us understand what to expect and the mechanics by which it worked.
No amount of “projections,” predictions based on past experience, can give you any assurance with a revenue-generating event.
The responsive fundraising framework provides a great basis for how best to approach your donors.