You may think that with everyone navigating a new reality, you shouldn’t ask people to help you with your capital campaign.
In my experience working with nonprofits, helping them develop their monthly giving program, it’s the first step that’s the hardest.
One of the frustrating parts of my journey is getting leaders to provide major gift officers with usable resources.
This past week, I received several questions from nonprofit organizations about the best tools to use to process monthly gifts.
It pays to take a step back to review each new peer-to-peer campaign with fresh eyes.
When I ask the question, “How many monthly donors do you have?” fundraisers typically know that number.
In the last three months, I have talked to several colleagues experiencing a capital campaign pause.
The drip-by-drip approach could lead to huge monthly giving success.
Ask yourself the following question: “Will this move get me closer to fulfilling this donor’s interests and passions?”
National Doughnut Day this year marks 82 years of this national day established by The Salvation Army.