Sponsored by: GrantStation
Cynthia Adams, CEO, GrantStation
This webinar takes participants through the process of establishing a strategic approach to grant seeking, almost a must for any organization trying to secure grant support these days! Fast-paced, and filled with action steps, Cynthia Adams, CEO of GrantStation, will discuss how to:
- design a Grant Decision Matrix,
- develop a worksheet to guide your research,
- identify the most appropriate grant makers,
- build a solid strategic approach, and
- establish a Master Calendar to guide your work.
Participants will learn how to adopt a consistent grant research process, as well as how to generate an overall grant strategy to secure funds for each program, project, or even general operating. All participants receive a set of worksheets that they can use to create their own approach to building an overall grant seeking strategy for their organization.
Sponsored by GrantStation
See below to view this free webinar today!